Monday, December 7, 2020Personal and business insurance buyers--don’t make these mistakes Everyone who buys insurance often runs into what we call the 7 deadly sins of buying insurance. These apply to both personal insurance and business insurance. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, February 12, 2020Is Your Business Ready For 2020?
The world is changing, and we understand the issues your business faces every day. There is constant competition for your customers, there are challenges in attrac... READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 19, 2019Advantages Of A Regular Workers’ Compensation Market Review Your busy building your business; often reviewing your commercial workers’ compensation insurance seems like going to the doctor. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 7, 2019Advantages Of A Regular Workers’ Compensation Market Review Your busy building your business; often reviewing your commercial workers’ compensation insurance seems like going to the doctor. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, April 10, 2019According to the latest surveys by major insurers, small to medium sized businesses have a number of critical gaps in their insurance coverage. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, November 7, 2018A Commercial Insurance Review When an employee gets into an accident while driving a company vehicle, there are many implications for your business. Depending on the accident an employee’s CDL can be suspended, canceled or revoked. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, September 25, 2018Business Insurance and Risk Every Louisiana business faces risks of various kinds. If you have employees you have the risk of employee injury. You most likely buy workers’ compensation to protect yourself from this risk. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, August 14, 2018Many businesses buy commercial insurance thinking that the policy they have covers most if not all things that might go wrong and cause a loss to their business. That kind of thinking can lead to an uninsured loss. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 13, 2018If you have employees, you are exposed to potential employment liability claims. Employees know their rights, and it is time for all employers to be more informed about how to protect their companies. READ MORE >>