Insurance Baton Rouge

Personal Insurance

Fourrier Agency is committed to educating your clients on personal insurance including auto, home, boat, motorcycle and RV coverage. We know that if you are educated about your insurance needs and understand what you are purchasing, you will make an informed decision. Auto and home insurance can be confusing and unlike some advertisements for the mega firms, we take more than seven minutes to design and shop your coverage.

Personal Insurance IQ Test

  1. Is my $3,000 diamond ring covered under my homeowner’s policy?
  2. Flood insurance is not provided by my homeowner’s policy.
  3. I run an auto repair shop out of my home and property, and I am covered under my homeowner’s policy.
  4. If my neighbor trips on my deck and is injured, my homeowner’s policy will cover me.
  5. If my auto is parked in my garage and my garage burns down, my homeowner’s policy will cover my auto.
  6. If, while cutting down my tree, the tree falls onto my neighbors fence and causes damage, my homeowner’s policy will cover the loss.
  7. If there is an earthquake my homeowner’s policy will cover me.


  1. No.  Most policies have a limit on jewelry of $1,200; so if you have expensive jewelry, you will need to amend your policy.
  2. Correct. Flood insurance is purchased separately through the National Flood Program.
  3. No. If you run a business out of your home, you will need a business policy.
  4. Correct. Coverage is up to the stated limit in your policy. If the accident is the result of your negligence and you are held legally liable, your homeowner’s insurance will pay for damages.
  5. No.  However, if your vehicle is damaged by fire and you have comprehensive coverage your auto policy will provide coverage, per the policy terms.
  6. Yes.  Your homeowner’s policy will cover damage you do to your neighbor’s property, again up to the policy limit.
  7. No. Homeowner’s, condo and renter's insurance policies typically don’t cover damage caused by an earthquake, but coverage generally can be purchased as an endorsement or a separate policy.

Special Note- These examples are for reference only. All claims will be subject to your individual policy terms and conditions. These examples will not change or amend any insurance policy.

With Fourrier Agency, there is 65 years of service and support that needs to be upheld. That service is upheld to every client, every day.

Posted 9:02 PM

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